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How to Become an Officer


Officer elections are held during the month of June in the Spring semester. 


If you are interested in holding an officer position, please look over the officer descriptions below:


  1. For questions: Current officer contact information can be found here. or;

  2. Email Beta Alpha Psi & Accounting Association at


Newly elected officers will be announced at the aforementioned meeting and will begin to shadow current officers during the following term. If you have any questions, please contact one of the officers.


2020-2021 Officer Descriptions


BAP President – Hosts and schedule meetings, delegates and helps officers perform task to function together in events and attends annual BAP professional conference. Liaison in public relations with Faculty & Firms.


Other duties include maintaining BAP Intranet for reporting new members, chapter dues & requirements. Oversees the club's Finances, tax returns with Treasurer and campus requirements by OSE. 

BAP Vice President – Handles and delegates similar duties with the President. Oversees and fulfills other position including Operations, Recruitment, Finances & Reporting. Liaison in relations with Faculty, Firms, societies and organizations at CSUSB.

BAP VP of Operations - Handles, delegates duties and operation of Meet the Firms and other big events, like Spring Social, etc. Contact ASI & other departments pertaining to marketing events and reservations on campus. Contacts suppliers for event purchase orders and gifts. 


BAP VP of Treasury - Handles Beta Alpha Psi's balance sheet, invoices and money transaction with off-campus banking. Complete Beta Alpha Psi’s tax return, and financially responsible for organization. Meets with the campus accountant and verifies source documents, invoices and receipts. 


BAP VP of Membership - Handles membership recruitment, marketing, purchase orders with suppliers for club items and requested invoices.


Other duties include collaboration with AA Membership, VP of Communications and Publicity. They will delegate tabling, keeps track of candidates and members.


BAP VP of Reporting – Maintain an up-to-date record keeping of each member/candidate regarding status of required activities: Volunteer hours and tutoring hours. Reports membership progress and annual chapter activity requirements through Beta Alpha Psi’s executive office, via the Reporting Intranet.


BAP VP of Communications – Handles professional BAP emails and Liaison to Members, Faculty, and Professionals through campus Outlook and Gmail account. Updates  and manages BAP email database quarterly. 



AA President – Co-hosts & collaborate with Beta Alpha Psi's President in Meetings, Officer Delegations and Contacting firms & professionals in planning main networking events: Meet The Firms, Spring Banquet, Cal CPA & Other Entities.


Other duties include collaboration with the Accounting Department and working with the AA Treasurer in handling the club's finances, balance sheet & statements. They will apply for ASI's annual campus CAB funding. Meet with the University Clubs Accountant for pending transactions and renew the clubs charting with the Office of Student Engagement.  


AA VP of Operations - Handles and plan for events such as Meet the Firms and other big events or with entities. They will work alongside with the BAP VP of operations.


Oversee delegations for planning events and collaboration with the Jack Brown administration in booking venues. Makes purchase orders for the club in catering services, decorations and gifts. Updates the Treasurer on invoices and other financing activites related to events.


AA Treasurer - handles the finances of the club: Bank reconciliations, balance sheet, paying invoices, & pending transaction with on campus banking through the Office of Student Engagement. They are financially responsible for organization.


Other duties include: Applying the club for CAB Funding, Verifying membership recipets and Meets with the campus accountant: verifies source documents and receipts for pending transactions. 


AA VP of Membership - Handles Recruitment, Record keeping of Roster, Marketing, and Making purchase orders with suppliers for club shirts, badges & sashes. They will be in Collaboration with Beta Alpha Psi's Membership. Updates Treaurer on invoices, source documents and other purchase requests.


AA VP of Publicity - Functions as the Webmaster of and social media: Facebook & Instagram. Duties include Marketing events & meetings and publicizing for both organization. They will update the websites, Jack H. Brown bulletin boards, and create flyers via ASI for events.

Other duties including working alongside with Beta Alpha Psi's VP of Communications through marketing events, the email list and other collaborations.


BAP VP of Fundraising - Raises revenue stream for club by hosting events, volunteering or organizing opportunity drawings (“raffle”), NASCAR events, and small business fundraisers.

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